Contact & Support Contact & Support

Contact & Support


Samantha Fesolai

For all non-media enquiries, please contact our friendly customer service team who can assist you on 0800 521 555

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Support or Advice

If you are having any problems getting what you need, we want to help. In this section you will find ways to solve problems or get support.

Getting help from a support person

If you have a problem with your tenancy, you can ask us to find you a support person or advocate. This will be a local person who will listen to your story. He or she will help us work together to find a good way to solve the problem. The advocate does not work for Tāmaki Housing. Talk to your tenancy manager if you want to have someone help you as a support person.

Who can get a state home in Tāmaki?

The state homes we look after can only be rented to people who meet the Government’s rules about who is eligible. Most of our tenants also have a strong connection to Tāmaki.

Make a comment or a complaint

Did we make a mistake? We try hard to provide you with the best service possible, but sometimes things do go wrong. If you have a problem with your home, your neighbours, noise, rubbish, or something else – please tell us and we will do our best to help.

let us know

Know who to call

We can sort out most of your housing needs or problems. But there are times when you will need to contact the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) instead of Tāmaki Housing. 

Change of contact details, e.g. new mobile number
Change in number of people living in your home, e.g. new partner moving in, new baby, other family members would like to move in
Away from home for more than 30 days
Problems paying rent
Need repairs done, e.g. leaky tap, broken oven, broken window, fence problems  
Problems with your neighbours  
Your tenancy agreement  
Income-related rent assessment  
Tenancy reviews  
 Change in income (up or down)